2022 05 06 Meeting

Alle genodigden danken onze voorzitter, Willem Vinckier, voor het perfect traktaat in De Ooievaar.

- Mr. Kris Declercq, Mayor of the city of Roeselare

- Mr. Alex Foreman, BA, PGGE, President BToR

- Major Marc Ellis, CCF, RLC ret., Chairman BToR

- Major Andrew Nunn, CCF, Hon. Secretary BToR

- Mrs. Mieke Vanbrussel, Alderwoman of the city of Roeselare

- Mr. Francis Debruyne, Alderman of the city of Roeselare

- Mr. Dirk Lievens, Former-Alderman of the city of Roeselare

- Mrs. Lieve Vandenberghe, Hon. Patroness of the BTBB Standard

- Mr. Willy Vanoutrive, Hon. Patron of the BTBB Standard

- Mrs. Ann Platteeuw, Treasurer BTBB

- Supt. Koenraad Cracco, Fed Pol ret., RKO, Anglo – Belgian liaison officer BTBB-BToR

- Mr. Luc Vandevelde, Hon. Secretary BTBB

- Mr. Hugo Rebry, Hon. Secretary BTBB

- Mr. Marc Vanwalleghem, Vice Chairman BTBB

-Willem Vinckier, Chairman BTBB

Cordial meeting of the committees of
the British Torch of Remembrance and the
British Torch of Remembrance Belgian Branch
with the representatives of the city government of Roeselare.
Roeselare, 6 May 2022


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