Welkom op deze website
Alle genodigden danken onze voorzitter, Willem Vinckier, voor het perfect traktaat in De Ooievaar.
- Mr. Kris Declercq, Mayor of the city of Roeselare
- Mr. Alex Foreman, BA, PGGE, President BToR
- Major Marc Ellis, CCF, RLC ret., Chairman BToR
- Major Andrew Nunn, CCF, Hon. Secretary BToR
- Mrs. Mieke Vanbrussel, Alderwoman of the city of Roeselare
- Mr. Francis Debruyne, Alderman of the city of Roeselare
- Mr. Dirk Lievens, Former-Alderman of the city of Roeselare
- Mrs. Lieve Vandenberghe, Hon. Patroness of the BTBB Standard
- Mr. Willy Vanoutrive, Hon. Patron of the BTBB Standard
- Mrs. Ann Platteeuw, Treasurer BTBB
- Supt. Koenraad Cracco, Fed Pol ret., RKO, Anglo – Belgian liaison officer BTBB-BToR
- Mr. Luc Vandevelde, Hon. Secretary BTBB
- Mr. Hugo Rebry, Hon. Secretary BTBB
- Mr. Marc Vanwalleghem, Vice Chairman BTBB
-Willem Vinckier, Chairman BTBB